Über Ihren Account können Sie Produkte zu Ihrer Favoritenliste hinzufügen, Ihre Adressen und Bestellungen verwalten und auf gebuchte Online-Coachings zugreifen. Wenn Sie ein neues Konto einrichten möchten, klicken Sie einfach unten auf 'Account erstellen'.
Welcome to the test sample return portal of Ceracreen. This is an easy, fast and safe process to send your samples back to our lab for analysing via UPS. You are always able to track you package. To start things please pick your country, enter your Test ID (6 digits) and your name (first and surname) below. Your Test ID can found on the Test ID Card or in your cerascreen Mobile or Web APP.
The ID no is not valid.
Address validation
Your test was validated. Now let’s complete your address, email, and phone number. Please note that certain zip codes in Ireland will offer UPS pickup services if access points are not available.
Contact information
please make sure that your email address is correct
Finished successfully
Your request has been submitted. You will soon receive an email with a link to print your return shipping label from UPS. If you have any questions please contact our customer support team here (Contact Us).